Busboys and Poets

Not only is the food delicious here, but the restaurant has a really cool atmosphere inside. They call themselves a “cultural hub where racial and cultural connections are consciously uplifted,” and it felt like just that. The name Busboys and Poets comes from the poet Langston Hughes, who was a busboy before achieving recognition as a poet.

The original Busboys and Poets is located at 14th and V Streets and began in 2005. It is about 9 minutes away from the Basilica and Lincoln’s Cottage.

Explore Busboys and Poets | BMoreRosie.com
Explore Busboys and Poets | BMoreRosie.com
Explore Busboys and Poets | BMoreRosie.com
Explore Busboys and Poets | BMoreRosie.com

Havre de Grace


The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception