Georgetown is an upscale part of town very close to the mall in D.C.
What To Do
Kennedy Homes Tour
Numerous historic homes owned by President Kennedy can be found in this small town. You can walk or drive around and see the homes within a few blocks of each other. Here are the addresses and information you need to do this. Pictured below is the last Kennedy house in Georgetown when Jackie moved out in 1964.
M Street
The main street in Georgetown has tons of shops and restaurants for you to enjoy! If you want to get Georgetown Cupcakes, be sure to order ahead as they will probably be sold out. Instead, we got Sprinkles cupcakes which were just as amazing. Levain Bakery is another famous shop and has delectable 6 oz. cookies... the line was unimaginably long.
Where To Eat
We recommend eating at Amigo Mio as it is along the main street and had really good Mexican food.